Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "The Orkney Library are well worth a follow on twitter (x). Shetland Library too. Librarian accounts are hilarious and the post mentioned in this episode was a real one."
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1 day ago

Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "As you may know - human library books do exist in some places. A wonderful idea, I think."
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2 months ago

Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "This episode was inspired by a true story. A radio station in Texas once put cash in library books, without warning the library. 3000 books were thrown on the floor by the crowd of over 500, scrambling over each other to find a sum total of $100. The only way to get them to stop was to lie and say it had been found."
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4 months ago

Commented on Backlist Mystery Book Club:
   "Fun review, thank you. It's ages since I binged on Agatha but I don't think I've read this one. However, sounds like I didn't miss much. I suppose like many authors, Agatha improved with practice and this was an early work. 3 identical weapons, sigh. Identical twins plot - double sigh."
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4 months ago

Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "Note for American readers - pants=underwear in British/Irish English, not trousers. Apologies for any confusion."
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5 months ago

Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "Thankfully my experience in a school library for teens never extended to a "Code Blue" but as a Beaver Scout leader (with children aged 6-8) we had to be ready. In hindsight I wish we had a Bob the bear to help us back then."
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5 months ago

Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "The poster of crazy reader requests in this episode is based on real life. A librarian friend of mine who works in an academic library (which shall remain nameless) contributed to a large poster of this variety. Sometimes humour is the only way to deal with the demands of the reading public."
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5 months ago

Commented on Backlist Mystery Book Club:
   "Yes, I agree. It's being able to read along and try to work it out which keeps us reading, despite some of the dated aspects. Although my father claimed to be able to solve all of them by applying 1 simple rule - it's always the least likely person."
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7 months ago

Commented on Backlist Mystery Book Club:
   "Another good review - thanks! You're making me want to re-read some of my Agatha shelf."
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8 months ago

Commented on Backlist Mystery Book Club:
   "I love the idea of a book review series here on Channillo, well done! It's decades since I read this book so I can't recall if I twigged the ending but I loved the Marple books and yes, I can how this would be surprisingly up to date thanks to our recent pandemic experiences."
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9 months ago

Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "By co-incidence Irish is on my mind this week as I'm helping my youngest to prepare for her spoken Irish exam. I rarely speak a word in the language but I'm relieved to find I still understand it and can stumble through a conversation. Like Nina I have friends who grew up speaking it and love to hear them chatting with their families through it. If you visit Ireland you'll find it on all the road signs, official forms, and public transport."
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9 months ago

Commented on Love me a myth!:
   "A blessing of unicorns - love that!"
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10 months ago

Commented on Love me a myth!:
   "Fascinating. I'd never heard of the losing nose with age! Glad that doesn't happen to humans. The only place I've read much about brownies is in childhood books by Enid Blyton."
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11 months ago

Commented on Love me a myth!:
   "I've never heard of an ercinee but now I know not to follow their trail :-)"
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1 year ago

Commented on Love me a myth!:
   "Poor Leviathan, always alone. I love the idea of mythology coupled with a little flash fiction. Probably just as well that she didn't create any offspring though!"
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1 year ago

Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "Drat - you weren't supposed to spot that mistake! I only realised after I posted the episode that I'd mentioned some small lights at the desk and children's section. Gold star for observation, Hoff!"
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1 year ago

Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "This library adventure was inspired by my experience of a power cut with a group of boisterous 8 year old boys in my house on a play-date. They couldn't understand that without power I had no light, no cookies to bake, and no TV/music/gaming. We survived and they still talk about how much fun they had by candlelight playing hide and seek."
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1 year ago

Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "My own level of denial around needing reading glasses was beyond silly. I've given in now so Nina won't have to change the font size to make her point!"
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1 year ago

Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "I've played all these Halloween games - how about you? What's your favourite part of Halloween celebrations?"
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1 year ago

Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "I hope you enjoy reading this episode. I particularly enjoyed writing about Lily and her grandmother. The Pirate Dinosaur book is real, by the way - as are most of the books I mention in this serial."
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1 year ago

Commented on The Librarian's Secret Diary:
   "I haven't been to Wigtown in person, yet, but any town with 14 bookshops sounds good to me. I have visited Scotland though and the cows are adorable!"
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1 year ago